Conference Policies

Scope & Application

The YLSBC MUN’s conference policy is applicable to all conference participants including delegates, observers, adult chaperones, teachers, volunteers, media team members, and committee staff. The Secretariat may at any time suspend, alter, regulate, control, or enforce these rules as they deem fit.

General Conduct

Conference participants are expected to be courteous, professional, respectful, and mature at all times to each other and other participants, including teachers, staff members, the Secretariat, other delegates, and hotel guests, at all times. YLSBC MUN maintains a zero-tolerance policy for any bullying, harassment, obnoxious, or destructive behaviour.

Delegates are required to abide by their school’s student policy at all times. As well, delegates must follow the direction and instructions of YLSBC MUN committee staff, the YLSBC MUN Secretariat, and hotel staff.

Attendees are expected and required to abide by all Canadian and British Columbian laws. Any illegal activity will be immediately met with expulsion from the conference.

The possession or use of illicit substances, drugs, alcohol, and any intoxicants are strictly prohibited at YLSBC MUN. This includes tobacco and nicotine products.

Technology Use Policy

Electronics and internet access are permitted during committee sessions for productive purposes only as allowed by committee staff. Delegates are still expected to prepare research beforehand, with internet connectivity being utilized only to ease collaboration in writing Draft Resolutions or for other purposes. Should a delegate misuse internet connectivity, committee staff members reserve the right to revoke these privileges at any time. Committee staff have the authority to allow, regulate, control, and revoke the use of electronics and internet connections by delegates. Some committees may allow the use of electronics for the purposes of writing draft resolutions or submitting crisis directives, while others may choose to prohibit the use of electronics altogether and require the use of paper directives.

Name Tags

All participants are provided with name tags specifying their name, position, and committee. For the safety and security of delegates and conference attendees, all participants must wear their name tags at all times. Participants not in possession of their name tags will be directed to the Secretariat desk for identity verification and for name tag reprinting. Individuals who are not officially registered to attend the conference may not be on hotel premises under any circumstances. Any individuals on the hotel premises who are not registered to attend or without permission from the Secretariat will be immediately asked to leave; entering the premises again will be considered trespassing and the police will be notified.

Attendance & Absences

Delegates must be present for all committee sessions unless excused by the Secretariat or committee staff.

If you foresee will be absent from a committee session prior to the conference, you must notify the Secretariat by emailing us, as well as your sponsor teacher/adult chaperone. You must also state the reason for your absence and where you will be during it.

If you foresee you will be absent from a committee session during the conference or need to leave midway through a session for any reason, you must notify your committee staff—or the Secretariat—and your sponsor teacher/adult chaperone and obtain explicit permission to be absent. You must also state the reason for your absence and where you will be during it.

It is necessary and your responsibility to ensure your absence is noted by your committee staff, the Secretariat, and your sponsor teacher/adult chaperone. You may notify the Secretariat and committee staff either by email or verbally. If you choose to notify us of your absence via email, please email the Secretariat at and your committee staff at the committee email specified on your committee web page. Alternatively, you may notify us at the Secretariat desk and in committee sessions.

Committee staff will report all requested delegate absences to the Secretariat for record-keeping, as well as unexcused absences. In the interest of delegates’ safety, the Secretariat will immediately contact the sponsor teachers, adult chaperones, school administration, or emergency contacts/guardians of any delegates absent for committee sessions without prior permission from the Secretariat/committee staff to verify their whereabouts.


Canadian English is YLSBC MUN’s official working language. English is the only language that may be used during committee sessions. Other languages, or mocked/simulated accents are not permitted.

Dress Code

Delegates, observers, committee staff, media team members, and volunteers must be dressed appropriately in formal, western business attire during all committee sessions, including the midnight crisis. Delegates and other participants not dressed in appropriate western business attire will not be allowed to participate in committee sessions until they change into appropriate attire in accordance with this dress code.

Examples of appropriate attire may include suits, suit-jackets, formal sweaters and long sleeve shirts, blazers, vests, dress shirts, dress pants, dress shoes, skirts, dresses, blouses, ties, and tights. Casual clothing such as slides, sneakers, jeans, runners, t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, etc. are not permitted to be worn during any committee sessions, even the midnight crisis.

Technology Use

Electronics and internet access are permitted during committee sessions for productive purposes only as allowed by committee staff. Delegates are still expected to prepare research beforehand with Wi-Fi being utilized only to ease collaboration in writing Draft Resolutions or for other purposes. Should a delegate misuse the Internet, the committee staff reserve the right to revoke these privileges at any time. Committee staff have the authority to allow, regulate, control, and revoke the use of electronics and internet connections by delegates. Some committees may allow the use of electronics for the purposes of writing draft resolutions or submitting crisis directives, while others may choose to prohibit the use of electronics altogether.


Plagiarism of any sort is prohibited at YLSBC MUN. This includes but is not limited to position papers and resolution papers, the most common form of in-committee work. Delegates must make acknowledgements, in the form of citations in papers, and otherwise wherever appropriate, where they have used the work of others in their position papers and resolution papers. Delegates must submit their own work for their pre-conference and in-conference assignments.

Although not per se plagiarism, pre-written resolution papers are prohibited and will not be accepted as legitimate by committee staff for submission. Delegates who submit any form of plagiarized work or use pre-written resolution papers in committee will be ineligible for awards.


Participants found to be in violation of any of these conferences policies may be subject to the following actions:

  • Prohibition from participation for the rest of the conference by being asked to leave and be picked up by a guardian.

  • Barring from attending future iterations of the conference.

  • Notifying parents, guardians, sponsor teachers, adult chaperones, and the school administration of the conduct in question.

Enforcement action taken against conference policy violations is at the discretion of the Secretariat. The type of action is dependent on the severity and circumstances of the violation. The vast majority of conference policy violations will result in notifying the delegate in question’s school administration and guardians, as well as a ban for the remainder of the conference.